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Your one stop shop, done for you business in a box solution. Everything you need to establish, build and run your successful business online

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BTG Platform: Tech Basics for Starting a Health Practice

Follow the templated prompts to create your Website Pages, Appointment Schedule, Automated Emails, Course Ouline and Lead Magnet.



Who This is for: Perfect for those who are ready to create their website, following templated scripts of psychologically responsive text.

Fill in the blanks to build your site.

Contains our valuable scripted Marketing Funnel:

✅ Lead magnet

✅ Book a call

✅ Checkout Pages

✅ Wait List

✅ Challenge

✅ Webinar

✅ Video sequence funnel

✅ Quiz funnel

✅ Product funnel

Contains our templated

Course Funnel so you can drop in your videos, downlaods and text to create your Online Course, following a structured outline created by BTG.

Who This is Not for: Those who have no experience in writing a course from scratch. There is no strategy involved with this option to guide you in the process. Instead choose Silver or Gold.

Bronze: Tech Basics for Starting a Health Practice

BTG Tech Platform Basics:

✅ Mini Tech Academy to guide you in setting up your WEBSITE 

✅ Templated marketable copy for custom editing

✅ 1 Website - Up to 20 Pages

✅ Bookings & Appointments

✅ Emails & Automations: 100 Email Subscribers*

✅ 1 Marketing Funnel

✅ 1 Course Funnel

✅ Online store/ Full E-commerce site - Up to 5 Store Products*

✅ Bump Offers, Upsells and Downsells

✅ Quizzes, Surveys & Intake Forms

✅ Blog & Podcast Section

✅ Free Hosting

✅ 1 Portfolio to showcase products or people

✅ CRM Contacts to track clients

✅ 1 Booking Operator

✅ 4 Booking Services

✅ SEO Tools

✅ 1 Website Admin

✅ Analytics & Tracking

✅ A/B Split Testing

✅ Up to 40GB Storage

✅ Up to 60GB Bandwidth

✅ Facebook Pixel Integration

✅ Conversion API Integration

✅ Google Analytics Integration

✅ Coupon & Custom Code

✅ Real Time Analytics

✅ Payment Gateway Integration

* billed as £GBP, based on current exchange rate.

Customise Your Plan With Optional Addons

* Email add-on:

+500 = £6.40

✅ +1000 = £10.90

✅ +2,500 = £15.60

✅ +5,000 = £25.99

✅ +10,000 = £39.10

✅ +15,000 = £53.15109

✅ +25,000 = £76.60

✅ +5000 = £138.20

✅ +75,000 = £166.20

✅ +100,000 = £190.20

* FTP Video Storage add-on:

✅ +200 GB = £4

* FTP Bandwidth add-on:

✅ +1 TB = £9

✅ +2 TB = £15

✅ +3 TB = £22

✅ +4 TB = £29

✅ +5 TB = £40

✅ 5 TB+ Contact Us


The BTG Tech Platform. Fair Pricing. All-in-One

Complete Support System & Actionable Strategies to Grow and Scale your business as a health practitioner

Helps and Supports You in these 3 Core Areas of Your Business:

The complete A-Z process that guides you through the fundamental steps required to create your online Practice and develop your signature programme, saving you years of struggling to figure it out yourself.

Your very own professional, easy to navigate and customisable tech platform containing all of the pages you need with sections containing perfect examples of marketable ‘copy’ that can be easily adapted to your needs.

A menu of done-for-you Health Courses, each targeted toward a specific health issue so you can niche down, hit the ground running, help multiple clients at a time and start selling straight away.

📣 Attention: Nutritionists, Naturopaths, Functional Medicine Practitioners and Natural Health Practitioners.

You’re in the right place if you are a driven natural health practitioner who is ready to build your successful online business, make an impact, gain time freedom and achieve financial stability.

You can do all this while working less clinical hours, and do what you do best: help more clients improve their health and their lives.

What other Health Practitioners are saying...

Charlotte S.

I met Gabi whilst I was still studying Nutrition. Before I'd even qualified, I had the system in place to hit the ground running. I'm so grateful I stopped to ask "How do I create a successful Practice". See Charlotte's full story in the Academy.

Janet D.

I've had my Clinic for 15 years but I could no longer cope with 10 hour days. I've learned how to create a system and put procedures in place that has freed up my time and hugely improved my income. I now earn more in a day than I did in 2 weeks.

What Other Health Practitioners Are Saying...

Charlotte S.

I met Gabi whilst I was still studying Nutrition. Before I'd even qualified, I had the system in place to hit the ground running. I'm so grateful I stopped to ask "How do I create a successful Practice". See Charlotte's full story in the Academy.

I've had my Clinic for 15 years but I could no longer cope with 10 hour days. I've learned how to create a system and put procedures in place that has freed up my time and hugely improved my income. I now earn more in a day than I did in 2 weeks.

Janet D.

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